Kaizen and Why Change is Good
In business, kaizen relates to the tactics that continuously improve all organizational functions and includes every employee, from the CEO to the assembly line workers. The most wide-reaching, and possibly best known implementation is Toyota.
As it relates to creative strategy, however, kaizen is perceived as both an evil mindscrew (completely out of your control), or an engaging, positive, energetic charge to the norm that you either can or cannot control. Let’s hope you think it’s the latter.
More bluntly, when change sucks, it sucks pretty hard. When it’s good, it rocks out loud. How you manage each of these is entirely up to you.
Possibly. (ok, sometimes...) I was an incredibly loyal fan to the “original” Coke Zero. In fact, I probably consumed way too much of it. You know that drawer in the middle of your fridge that’s supposed to have cold cuts, or cheese, or whatever? That’s where my hoarded stash of Coke Zero lived; replenished more obsessively than my iPhone battery when it gets to half full. However, my favorite, delightful bubbly addiction was destroyed; formulas be damned, and having produced a new formula that my taste buds, body chemistry, and sensory recall have all become insanely familiar with since it launched in 2005 were thrown into upheaval. (Dramatic, much?) What’s worse is that they’ve decided to kill it at a time when sales of the drink are increasing. So, why the change?
Coca-Cola, if you haven’t noticed, is realigning their brands, getting their recipes to be different enough to warrant having the diversity, and making sure that they can streamline marketing and design budgets. They changed the formula in order to be able to add flavorful chemicals that bind and mix properly to offset as much aftertaste and curled, frowny lips as possible. And you know what? It worked. The different flavors are an infrequent treat. and carry enough diversity to their bottom line and my taste buds that it works. Do I drink the new Coke Zero? Only on a plane when I can’t taste anything other than the over-spiced food they hand out to compensate for the manufactured oxygen.
So, while I personally don’t love the new formula, it has helped me decrease the amount of caffeine I’ve been taking in, while also giving me a chance to change my own patterns.
Change itself is constant, and even when we don’t want to accept or adapt to it, change is also necessary, regardless of the effort it places on you.
I promise that the following statement is not a contradiction: I LOVE CHANGE.
If we don’t pivot or maneuver, or let the input of our data and customer base influence our next move to a certain degree, we will stay stagnant and pointless in a sea of change. The same applies to our experiences in how we communicate or serve our customers. However, there’s so much change going on in our customers’ lives (see: Coke Zero, Kermit the Frog’s voice — don’t get me started — and Facebook…), that creating a change in how you deliver your brand messaging is a just a way to keep up.
Disruptions in technology or experience design come in the form of wearables, and diverse marketing technology, hacking the norm, and combining the various devices into a new subsystem of communication; using each device to tell the part of the story that matters most at that moment.
But, amid these new and disruptive technologies, there are two things that allow us to manage the change and not make it an issue or a problem in our delivery of services and goods: selective disruption and measured adoption.
Selective Disruption
During each of our strategic initiatives, especially with new clients, we work extremely hard to do two things: Figure out who’s bearing down on our client’s competitive landscape, and Search for a trigger for disruption. In each of these efforts, we have to select the right amount of disruption both for the organization we’re expecting to help, and their customer base.
Change is good, but change for change’s sake without data and input is empty and filled with risk. When we uncover a great idea, we map it out, dig deeper, and work on how the change will impact the end game. Sometimes, disruption can manifest itself in a new onboarding process. Sometimes, it means we need to blow things up and institute a new way of thinking. Either way, we must be mindful of the customer, and aware enough of how we support that disruption moving forward. In other words, we need to have a measured adoption to whatever we do.
Measured Adoption
As stated by several very talented digital leaders, we are in a time of digital Darwinism. With this comes a self-induced level of pressure to try new things, succeed in new ways, and work towards change beyond comfort.
By being selective in how we disrupt, we can achieve a measured adoption of change. This change can, and should, evolve over time, enhancing experiences that ebb and flow with your customer’s needs. Measured adoption means trying two new features, testing the usability (usefulness + comprehension + time to complete), and gathering feedback while maintaining a separate innovative swim lane that allows your business to move forward.
Change is good. It’s constant. It helps our businesses pivot, but more so, it helps us question the status quo. Just because something isn’t broken doesn’t mean you can’t mess with it. That adage has bugged me since I was a little kid, watching Kermit get bombarded with stupid requests, and learning to manage the always-changing environment of theater.
If we accept that change is inevitable, even if only because our customers are changing around us, we can search, enjoy, and celebrate new experiences, with a new sense of creativity.
For more information about how Hello CX can help you change (for the right reasons), please reach out and say Hello!